La Baie de Manille, Selon les Observations les plus recentes. A Leide, Chez Pierre vander Aa .


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Author: Aa, Pierre van der / Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht von

Publisher: Michel Charles La Cene in Amsterdam

Year: 1732 [1727] [1719] [1647]

Size: 18.2 x 17.1 cm

Reference: Quirino, p. 90 Cox I: 272, Hill II: 517
SKU: 60754 Categories: , Tag:


copper engraving.

RARE map from ‘Voyages Celebres et Remarquables faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales’, 3rd French edition;
vol. 1, pp. 435-436, published by Michel Charles La Cene in Amsterdam; 1st French edition was published in 1719, (First edition – in German – published by Holwein for Guth in Hamburg)
Van der AA was a prolific Dutch mapmaker and engraver. Von Mandelslo (1616–1644) was a German adventurer, a friend of Adam Olearius and a former page of the Duke of Holstein. Together Mandelslo and Olearius were sent by the Duke on an embassy to the Russian Czar and to the Shah of Persia for the purpose of initiating trade relations with Russia, Tartary and Persia. He went to India and Ceylon. He gives long accounts of the other parts of the Far East, which he did not visit personally. His return was made to England by sea via the Cape of Good Hope, which he visited in 1639″ (condensed from Hill).


on a full page with text, very good condition.

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