Twenty Years in the Philippine Islands: [A critical review with excerpts from the work of P. de la Gironiere. A rare original article from the Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine.]


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Author: Hardman, Frederick

Publisher: William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh.

Year: 1853

Size: 20.8 x 12.8 cm 8vo

Reference: P. de Tavera: Biblioteca Filipina #1183 see also # 1181, 1182. Palau 102 763 [all for the book]


26pp. (478-504 pp.)

EXTREMELY RARE disbound article from “Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, First edition”.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (BEM), was a 19th Century ultra-Tory monthly literary review. It was founded in 1817 by the publisher William Blackwood in Edinburgh, Scotland.
It was a response to Whig liberal rags – notably the quarterly Edinburgh Review (edited at the time by Francis Jeffrey) and the weekly The Scotsman (edited by John Ramsey McCulloch).
The BEM was more conservative than the Tory Quarterly Review of London.


no cover and title page, very good.

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