[Map Detailing Hong Kong East Canton] insets: 1) [Dongguang] 2) [Hong Kong] 3) [neaby Toushan] [All titles in Japanese]


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Author: Tadayoshi Fuchida [editor] / Hideharu Yokota

Publisher: Dai Nippon Eloquent Society Kodansha in Tokyo.

Year: 1938

Size: 37.6 x 52.5 cm [neatline]; 39.5 x 55.7 cm [paper]



original-colour lithograph map published by Dai Nippon Eloquent Society Kodansha in Tokyo on February 3rd, Showa 13 or 1938, i.e. shortly before the beginning of WWII. verso: detailed map of Hankou Nanchang. EXTREMELY RARE


with folds as issued, paper toning, browning along upper left section of map.

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