Manila [Sketch and Description of Manila Port] [with a fleet of Adm. Joris van Spilberghen & a smoking Taal]


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Author: Joris van Spilberghen [Spilberghen]

Publisher: Nicolaes van Geelkercken, Leiden.

Year: c.1640 [1619]

Size: 15 x 21 cm

Reference: Quirino, p. 81 - Abelin, p.83 all for the book: Borba de Moraes (1983) p. 372; Borba de Moraes II, 276; Alden 619/133; Sabin 89450; Nordenskiold 3, 472; Tiele-Muller 66; Tiele 1029; JCB 3, II, 143; Tooley 593; J.-P. Duviols, L’Amérique espagnole vue et rêvée, p. 392-395; Howgego S159; Landwehr, (VOC) 361; Schilder, pp.32- 37;
SKU: 64477 Category: Tags: , ,


copper engraving. EXTREMELY RARE

Famous view from ‘Speculum orientalis occidentalisque Indiae navigationum’, pl. 18; First Latin edition.
[A Mirror of the Eastern and Western Voyages to India], published by Nicolaes van Geelkercken, Leiden.
One of the earliest obtainable printed views of the Bay of Manila.
From 9 February to 10 March 1616, Admiral Joris van Spilbergen’s fleet was in the Philippines after crossing the Pacific Ocean from Mexico. After arriving at the island of Capul near Samar the fleet continued to Manila. He was informed that a large fleet waited for him at Manila and sailed there to challenge. The information proved incorrect as the Spanish fleet had left Manila around the time that Spilbergen arrived in the Philippines. The winds prevented the Admiral from attacking Manila. In March, van Spilbergen heard that the Spanish fleet was headed for Ternate and decided to follow it there.


tight top and right margin remargined for framing but excellent condition.

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