Chute d’Eau a Hala-Hala [Waterfalls at Jala-Jala]


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Author: Barthelemy Lauvergne / Sigismond Himely [engraver] / Louis Auguste de Sainson / Cyrille-Pierre Theodore Laplace

Publisher: Imprimerie Royal, under the direction of Louis Auguste de Sainson with Arthus Bertrand, editeur.

Year: 1835

Size: 30 x 23 cm

Reference: Sabin 38985, Bosch 405, Borba de Moraes 458; Hill Coll. 175, Ferguson 1669, Cordier BS 2110; Nissen ZBI 2383
SKU: 58413 Category: Tags: ,


sepia aquatint.

Special Sepia Edition of the famous Botocan Falls in all their glory – a view from ‘Voyage Autour du Monde par les Mers de l’Inde et de la Chine de La Corvette de Sa Majesté La Favorite exécuté pendant les années 1830, 1831, 1832 [Vol. 1], pl. 31 published by Imprimerie Royal, Finot, sketched by Barthelemy Lauvergne, engraved by Sigismond Himely, under the direction of Louis Auguste de Sainson with Arthus Bertrand, editeur.

“La Favorite” was one of several ships sent out by the France in the 1820/1830s to compete with similar expeditions by other countries. These were voyages with political/territorial objectives via commercial diplomatic, scientific and artistic means, intending to expand French influence particularly in Southeast Asia to counter British interests.
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805-1871) was a French painter, maritime, and landscape artist active in the mid 19th C. He accompanied the French naval officer Jules Sebastien Cesar Dumont d’Urville (1790-1842) onboard the L’Astrolabe (1826-1829), Cyrille Pierre Theodore Laplace (1793-1875) on La Favorite (1830-1832), and Auguste-Nicolas Vaillant (1793-1858) on La Bonite (1836-1837).
Sigismond Himely (1801-1872) was a mid 19th C. Swiss painter, viewmaker, acquaint engraver active in Paris known for his excellent aquatints.
Louis Auguste de Sainson (1800-1877) was a French artist, lithographer, and engraver. He worked as a draughtsman on the Astrolabe in its circumnavigation of the globe in 1826-1829, and then spent almost 5 years to create the prints for the publication of its expedition narrative.



with La Favorite dry seal, water stained, paper toning, cleaned.

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