La Vie Illustrée No. 18 16 Février 1899


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Author: various

Publisher: Published in Paris.

Year: 1899

Size: 35 x 26.8 cm folio



RARE French magazine, pp. 224-234 with illustrations and the frontispiece L’amiral Dewey et le Général Otis dans la Cabine du Batiment-Amiral – Les Soldats Américains Devant
Manille, with the supporting news article on p.234.
This French illustrated weekly, published in Paris, only survived from 1898-1911; the founder Félix Juven made extensive use of photography. In 1900-1901, he merged it with L’Univers Illustré,
bought from the publisher Calmann Lévy. Its 20-32 pages sold every Thursday priced at 30 cents and contained more than 70% photograph reproductions printed in halftone, primarily French and international news. Printed by de Vaugirard, G. deMalherbe, Directeur, Paris.


stapled spine, worn.

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