Dr. A. Petermann’s Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes’ Geographischer Anstalt. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. A. Supan. – Ergänzungsband XXIV (Heft 110-114). 1895 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 24 contents] Nr. 110. Bludau, Die Oro- und Hydrographie der preussischen und pommerschen Seenplatte. Nr. 111. Baumann, Die kartographischen Ergebnisse der Massai-Expedition des Deutschen Antisklaverei-Comités. Nr. 112. Radde und Koenig, Das Ostufer des Pontus und seine kulturelle Entwickelung im Verlaufe der letzten 30 Jahre. Nr. 113. Sapper, Grundriss der physikalischen Geographie von Guatemala. Nr. 114. v. Flottwell, Aus dem Stromgebiet des Qyzyl-Yrmaq (Halys).


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Author: Dr. A. Petermann / Prof. Dr. A. Supan / Dr. Alois Bludau / Dr. Oscar Baumann / Dr. G. Radde / E. Koenig / Dr. Carl Sapper / v. Flottwell

Publisher: Justus Perthes in Gotha.

Year: 1895

Size: 27.5 x 22.5 cm

Reference: Kirchner 7480 - Poggendorff II, 412.


hardbound, 56pp + 120pp + 59pp + 55pp, with 10 original-colour lithograph maps (9 folded), with 5 original-colour lithograph maps (No.110 and 111) and 63 pages text (No.110) which belong into this volume 22, were bound into this volume 24 instead. 

Containing the following articles: [German text]
[1] Ergänzungsheft no. 110 [supplementary issue no. 110], [lacking] “The Oro- and Hydrography of the Prussian and Pomeranian Lake District, especially in the Vistula River Basin.” by Dr. Alois Bludau.
[2] Ergänzungsheft no. 111 [supplementary issue no. 111], [pp. 1 – 56] “The Cartographic Results of the Maasai Expedition of the German Anti-Slavery Committee.” by Dr. Oscar Baumann.
[3] Ergänzungsheft no. 112 [supplementary issue no. 112], [pp. 1 – 120] “The Eastern Bank of the Pontus and its Cultural Development Over the Last 30 Years.” by Dr. G. Radde and E. Koenig.
[4] Ergänzungsheft no. 113 [supplementary issue no. 113], [pp. 1 – 59] “Outline of the Physical Geography of Guatemala.” by Dr. Carl Sapper.
[5] Ergänzungsheft no. 114 [supplementary issue no. 114], [pp. 1 – 55] “From the Qyzyl-Yrmaq (Halys) River Basin.” by v. Flottwell.


full contemporary brown cloth with blind-stamped covers and gilted spines, lacking the individual issue title wrapper. RARE.

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