Chinese Merchant Families in Iloilo. Commerce and Kin in a Central Philippine City


Author: John T. Omohundro

Publisher: published by The Ohio University Press. Also published by Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Year: 1981

Size: 23 x 15 cm



206pp., softbound, with two text maps, illustrations; ISBN: 0-8214-0619-1. EXTREMELY RARE collector’s item. The author studies the Chinese community of Iloilo, analyzing the interaction of their commercial role in society, their family and social traditions, and their relations with Filipinos. Through oral history, biography, genealogies, family history, and participant observation, the character of one of the oldest and most conservative Chinese communities in the Philippines is portrayed. The emerging portrait pictures both, a more human and more complicated stereotypes of the clannish and inscrutable Chinese merchant. Running as an undercurrent through the book is the theme of past and future Chinese integration into Filipino society and their security in that nation. [after the synopsis].


condition: backstrip faded, otherwise very good.

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