Der Neue Welt-Bott mit allerhand nachrichten deren Missionarien Soc. Iesu [The New World Herald With News from the Missionaries of the Society of Jesus.] Ich verkünde euch grosse Freüd. Luc. II, 10. [I proclaim to you good news of great joy] Sie werden kommen von Auf= und Nidergang von Mittag und Mitternacht Luc. XIII. 29 [And they shall come from the east and west, and from the north and south], […and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.] [frontispiece]


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Author: Joseph Stöcklein (SJ) [Stoecklein]

Publisher: Philipp, Martin & Johann Veith Erben Buchhaendler in Augsburg & Graetz.

Year: 1726

Size: 27.8 x 17.3 cm

Reference: Reference: Cordier 941, Sabin 91981, De Backer-S, VII 1586.


copper engraving. EXTREMELY RARE.

A highly attractive and artistically well engraved frontispiece from ‘Der Neue Welt-Bott… ‘ [The New World Herald…] [Jesuit letters]; with allegorical presentation and a world map from ‘Allerhand So Lehr-als Geist-reiche Brief, Schrifften, und Reis-Beschreibungen…’; vol. 1, 1st edition.


paper toning.

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