Descripcion de las Indias del Poniente (14)


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Author: Herrera, Antonio de ( y Tordesillas) Velasco, Juan Lopez de

Publisher: published in Madrid.

Year: 1622 [1601]

Size: 21.5 x 29 cm

Reference: Quirino, p. 79 + 48; Suárez, p. 163; Sabin 31539, 31544; Lietz: Insulae Indiae Orientalis, p. 102
SKU: 62834 Category:


copper engraving.

EXTREMELY RARE map from “Descripcion de las Islas occidentales, Historia General, da. 314, Second Edition. The first edition published in 1601 in Madrid; Herrera (1559-1625), a writer & official historian to the King of Spain, compiled a history of the Indies accompanied by maps of the West Indies & Central & South America. The first edition was re-issued in several editions & languages, the most important of which were in 1622. On this map, Luzon is not shown as an island, only as an outline; other Philippine islands are named, including his own “creation” : San Juan (St. John), the imaginary island to become so “notorious” in future maps till even the 19th century.


paper toning.

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