Asia wie es jetziger Zeit…


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Author: Sebastian Münster [Muenster/Munster]

Publisher: Sebastian Petri in Basel.

Year: c.1580

Size: 31 x 36 cm

Reference: Quirino, pp. 74 & 75 (there wrongly mentioned as 1552); Yeo: Mapping the Continent of Asia: p.13, #9
SKU: 58879 Category: Tags: ,


hand-coloured woodcut important map from ‘Cosmographey: das ist Beschreibung aller Länder Herrschaffen und für nemsten Stetten des gantzen Erdbodens’. This is the revised Asia map based on the latest available discoveries, with additional islands of the Philippines named: Cuba [Cebu] and Macadan [Mactan], Palahau [Palawan], Mindana [Mindanao]; and a more correct depiction of Asia than the previous first depiction of Asia. Sebastian Münster (1489-1552) was a German cartographer and cosmographer whose “Cosmographia” was the first work of science-based knowledge in the German language. He was a Hebrew scholar and became a Franciscan monk at an early age.


with centerfold as issued, reasonably good, wide margins, some restorations to lower and upper wide margins and to recto, small occasional stains to margins, verso: Asia text & coloured title vignette.

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