La Vie Illustrée No. 7 1er Décembre 1898


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Author: various

Publisher: published in Paris.

Year: 1898

Size: 34 x 27 cm, folio



RARE magazine, pp. 74 – 84, frontispiece featuring with illustrations plus 1 page Philippine views and article on p.84. This French illustrated weekly, published in Paris, only survived from 1898-1911; the founder Félix Juven made extensive use of photography. In 1900-1901, he merged it with L’Univers Illustré, bought from the publisher Calmann Lévy. Its 20-32 pages sold every Thursday priced at 30 cents and contained more than 70% photograph reproductions printed in halftone, primarily French and international news. Printed by de Vaugirard, G. deMalherbe, Directeur, Paris. The frontispiece features “La Maison
pontificale de S. S. Léon XIII”, Philippine illustrations include:

1) Aguinaldo lisant son Message au premier Congrès
[Aguinaldo reading his Message to the First Congress]
2) Les Américains distribuent des vivres aux insurgés.
[The Americans distribute food to the insurgents.]


missing pages 77 & 78, worn.

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